Discover your business stage


It's time to understand yourself and your industry!

Our goal is to help you make more well-informed and confident decisions. Whether you're in school, shifting your career, or building a side hustle, we know there are a lot of questions throughout the business-building process. We're here for you!

To start and maintain a business requires an understanding of self. While starting a business sounds exciting, it is filled with challenges, including those that involve personal growth.

Through the recommended action items below, we expect to provide you insights into which stage(s) of the business building process are right for you; joining a business at a certain stage may be the best option.




  • It's time to network: It's important to have a support system and points of contact who can guide you on your journey. Who hypes you up?
  • Identify why you're curious about starting a business: There are many motivators for becoming an entrepreneur. For some, starting a business is out of necessity while others feel it is their calling. These motivators will play a role in your decision-making processes; understand them now to better prepare for future planning.
  • Begin developing your brand: Regardless if you decide to launch a new business or not, it's always advantageous to build your brand as someone passionate and knowledgeable in a given space
  • Begin establishing yourself as a thought leader: To begin to associate your interests with your brand, you could begin blogging, creating social media content, hosting an event, etc. Continuous efforts will provide you visibility and a positive brand association with the space in which you are discussing.
  • Research the industries and trends that interest you: An entrepreneur needs to be aware of current and expected trends, as well as industry changes.



  • Familiarize yourself with market research and trends: This information will guide you in defining your problem, and the "why," behind your business.
  • Familiarize yourself with the competition: There will always be some form of competition, whether it is a direct competitor or a competitor due to targeting a similar audience with a well-established brand.
  • Consider how this will be funded: What costs do you anticipate incurring? Are these one-off, monthly, or yearly charges?


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